Escucha nuestra radio virtual y lleva el mensaje de Jesucristo a todo el mundo.

5 estrellas de fe


Nuestra misión y visión

En Oriradio, llevamos el mensaje del evangelio de Jesucristo a través de nuestra radio virtual, iluminando corazones y transformando vidas.

person's hand holding book page
person's hand holding book page
woman sitting on brown bench while reading book
woman sitting on brown bench while reading book

Conectando con la fe

Nuestra pasión es compartir la luz del evangelio, ofreciendo programación inspiradora y edificante para todos nuestros oyentes en el mundo digital.

Servicios Radiales

Conectamos a las personas con el evangelio a través de nuestra radio virtual en internet.

Música Inspiradora

Ofrecemos una selección de música cristiana que eleva el espíritu y brinda paz a los oyentes.

A musician wearing a checkered shirt and cap is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone on stage. Bright spotlights shine down, and a large screen in the background displays the words 'LET US ADORE HIM'. The setting appears to be a live performance or worship event.
A musician wearing a checkered shirt and cap is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone on stage. Bright spotlights shine down, and a large screen in the background displays the words 'LET US ADORE HIM'. The setting appears to be a live performance or worship event.
Mensajes Poderosos

Transmitimos mensajes edificantes que inspiran a vivir según los principios del evangelio de Jesucristo.

Programas Educativos y de Reflexión que fomentan el crecimiento espiritual y la comprensión de la fe.

Últimas Noticias
A small portable radio with an extended antenna is placed on top of stacked white styrofoam blocks. The setting appears minimalistic, with the radio being the focal point.
A small portable radio with an extended antenna is placed on top of stacked white styrofoam blocks. The setting appears minimalistic, with the radio being the focal point.
A man is standing on a stage inside a religious venue, possibly a church, delivering a speech or sermon. A smartphone on a tripod in the foreground is recording or streaming the event. The background features a wooden panel with the text 'Mi Entrega a DIOS', along with flower arrangements on both sides and colored glass windows.
A man is standing on a stage inside a religious venue, possibly a church, delivering a speech or sermon. A smartphone on a tripod in the foreground is recording or streaming the event. The background features a wooden panel with the text 'Mi Entrega a DIOS', along with flower arrangements on both sides and colored glass windows.

La radio virtual de Oriradio me ha llenado de esperanza y fe. Su mensaje del evangelio de Jesucristo es verdaderamente inspirador y transformador.

Juan Pérez

A neon-lit angel figure with glowing blue wings and a pink halo holds a sign that reads 'ON AIR.' Below, a collection of lit candles in various colors adds to the vibrant ambiance against a dark background.
A neon-lit angel figure with glowing blue wings and a pink halo holds a sign that reads 'ON AIR.' Below, a collection of lit candles in various colors adds to the vibrant ambiance against a dark background.
